Very happy to announce that I just came back from the picture wrap of "MYSTERIA" - a film by Lucius C. Kuert featuring Danny Glover, Billy Zane, Academy Award Winner Martin Landau, Michael Rooker, Peter Mark Richman, Robert Miano and Meadow Williams. What a wonderful shoot it's been and what an amazing cast. I was blessed to get the chance to direct these legendary actors on my first feature. News on the project will be posted on!

dust&scratches is proud to announce another production by Lucius C. Kuert: Project 798 - New Art In New China. An original and comprehensive documentary about the chinese contemporary art scene.

dust&scratches e' lieta di annunciare che il cortometraggio sperimentale - NANCY - di Lucius C. Kuert, oltre ad essere premiato miglior corto sperimentale estero al
New York International Independent Film Festival
e' pure stato premiato per la Miglior Regia di un Corto Estero.